Climate change is now widely recognized as a planetary emergency that is having both health impacts and economic costs caused by extreme weather events. These events, linked to global warming, now include prolonged droughts, increased forest fires, massive rainfalls, floods, polar ice melting, sea level rise, and severe storms around the world. This is an … Continue reading “Climate Emergency: Health and Cost”
Author: AdminAndrea
Canadian Oil for Canadians?
Ever since the TransCanada Corporation decided not to proceed with the Energy East pipeline, various advocates of the project have renewed the call for its revival. The arguments advanced almost always claim that bringing Alberta bitumen to Saint John means “Canadian oil for Canadians.” On July 26, 2018 the Telegraph Journal published a significant commentary … Continue reading “Canadian Oil for Canadians?”
Transition to a Low-carbon Economy
NBEN meeting with Minister of Environment and Local Government Jeff Carr December 20, 2018 I am speaking on behalf of the Sustainable Energy Group and many others here today. But most importantly, I’m speaking for the young people of New Brunswick whose future may be in peril unless real climate mitigation action becomes a priority … Continue reading “Transition to a Low-carbon Economy”
Growing Local Prosperity: A Public Forum with Gregory Heming
Gregory Heming, a Municipal Councillor for Annapolis County, Nova Scotia made a presentation on growing local prosperity at the Transition Town Forum in Woodstock on April 28th. Heming’s presentation was titled “A Local Conversation on the Future of Rural Communities.” The Forum was held in teaching theatre on the second floor of Woodstock Community College. … Continue reading “Growing Local Prosperity: A Public Forum with Gregory Heming”
Property Assessed Payment for Energy Retrofits (PAPER) Proposal
Securing New Brunswick’s Electrical Energy Future and Establishing a New Platform of High Quality Employment Based on a presentation to the New Brunswick Energy Policy Commission by the Woodstock Sustainable Energy Group on February 15, 2011. Updated April 2015 for presentation to the Government’s Innovation Week project. Introduction The Woodstock Sustainable Energy Group prepared and … Continue reading “Property Assessed Payment for Energy Retrofits (PAPER) Proposal”
Mark Carney, Pipelines, and Climate Change
When Mark Carney resigned as Governor of the Bank of Canada and became Governor of the Bank of England it seemed, on the face of it, he was just making a good career move. A speech by Mr. Carney to a World Bank seminar on October 10th, however, reveals what may be a different motivation. … Continue reading “Mark Carney, Pipelines, and Climate Change”
Public Engagement on the Future of Mactaquac Dam and the Saint John River
An event of historic significance is taking place in the Western Valley Region of New Brunswick, and the future of Mactaquac Dam and the Saint John River is at stake. All those who have become cynical about public agencies engaging citizens in matters of public policy should sit up and take notice. In the past, … Continue reading “Public Engagement on the Future of Mactaquac Dam and the Saint John River”
A 57-Year Warning on Climate Disruption
If you are 57 years old, or younger, you have lived your whole life in the era of climate disruption warnings. The article reprinted below appeared in the June 20, 1957 issue of the Woodstock Sentinel-Press under the headline, “Are We Tampering with Our Climate?” It is amazing to read how accurate the climate researchers … Continue reading “A 57-Year Warning on Climate Disruption”
New Crown Forest Plan Lacking in Conservation and Consultation
Opposition to the government’s new Crown forest strategy has been emphatic from academics, foresters, First Nations, private woodlot owners, ecologists, conservationists, and from those who consider the plan to be shortsighted and benefitting the forest industry. A survey conducted by the University of New Brunswick shows that a majority of New Brunswickers oppose the Crown … Continue reading “New Crown Forest Plan Lacking in Conservation and Consultation”