Submission to the Select Legislative Committee on Climate Change

The Sustainable Energy Group (SEG) is grateful for the opportunity to meet with the Select Committee on Climate Change. SEG was established in 2004 as a nonprofit organization for the purpose of raising public awareness about renewable and environmentally sustainable options in energy production, distribution and use. SEG was formed to address the concern that … Continue reading “Submission to the Select Legislative Committee on Climate Change”

Handling Government Debt: The Public Bank Alternative

The current government of New Brunswick is attempting to manage the provincial debt in two ways: cutting expenditures and increasing taxes. Neither of these approaches is likely to offer a solution to the problem of the province’s externally held debt. It is difficult to see how cutting expenditures and increasing taxes can be employed on … Continue reading “Handling Government Debt: The Public Bank Alternative”

New Shale Gas Reports Need Careful Scrutiny

The rate at which new reports on shale gas operations are coming out, argues strongly for the importance of the NB Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing. For example, the Fraser Institute released a Research Bulletin in October that reviews some of the risk assessment literature on hydraulic fracturing and shale gas extraction. It is titled Managing … Continue reading “New Shale Gas Reports Need Careful Scrutiny”

Letter to N.B. Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing

N.B. Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing Marysville Place P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H2 Dear Commission Panel Members: The Sustainable Energy Group (SEG) was established in 2004 as a nonprofit organization for the purpose of raising public awareness about renewable and environmentally sustainable options in energy production, distribution and use. SEG has responded to … Continue reading “Letter to N.B. Commission on Hydraulic Fracturing

Is Shale Gas a Bridge Fuel?

Within the last few years there has been a remarkable change in attitude about fossil fuels. There is rapidly growing agreement among people in positions of public responsibility that we must reduce our collective carbon emissions. For example, the NB Power Commission is committed to increasing its renewable energy portfolio and shift from coal and … Continue reading “Is Shale Gas a Bridge Fuel?”

Clean Energy is the Real Alternative to Coal

Gwyn Morgan’s commentary titled “Natural gas is the only real alternative to coal” is incorrect and misleading. (Daily Gleaner, Oct. 8) Clearly it’s meant to bolster arguments for shale gas proponents. Ninety seven percent of scientists and many people around the world and here in Canada understand that without question the real alternative to coal … Continue reading “Clean Energy is the Real Alternative to Coal”

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Proposal

Response to Government of NB Innovation Week May 3-10, 2015 1. What is your big idea? Please describe the nature of the product, service or partnership that you believe can help us offer better, faster and more efficient public services. (Max. 500 words) Our idea is for the government of New Brunswick to establish a … Continue reading “Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Proposal”

Public Banking Proposal

Response to Government of NB Innovation Week Questions, May 3-10, 2015 1. What is your big idea? Please describe the nature of the product, service or partnership that you believe can help us offer better, faster and more efficient public services. (Max. 500 words) Our idea is for the government of New Brunswick to establish … Continue reading “Public Banking Proposal”

Our Energy Future Needs Moral Leadership

In all the media reports about the US becoming the world’s second largest producer of hydrocarbons thanks to fracking, an inescapable factor is being ignored: No matter how we calculate it, fossil fuels are a sunset industry. The same thing goes for the Alberta oil sands, which are touted as having the potential for making … Continue reading “Our Energy Future Needs Moral Leadership”

Saving Fuel and Money with Eco Driving

The cost of fuel is rising steadily and so are the warnings that burning fossil fuels contribute to climate change. Drivers may want to know how they can reduce fuel consumption, help their vehicle last longer, and help the environment. Eco Driving – How to Save Fuel and Drive More Efficiently The single, best thing … Continue reading “Saving Fuel and Money with Eco Driving”