Civic Centre Solar Water Heater Analysis

Update – additional analysis for Solar Water heater proposal for Carleton Civic Centre

Approximate savings estimated from RETScreen for solar water heater for Carleton Civic Centre:

  • Approximate electricity savings per year per collector panel installed: about 1540 kWh/year for each collector panel (in the range of 40 to 90 collectors)

This works out to approximately the following savings:

# of collector panels installed (each 4’X8’ area) Electricity saved annually (kWh) $ saved annually (at $0.11/kWh) Approximate capital investment Simple payback time (years) (without grants) Approximate Annual return on investment (%)
40 61500 $6765 100,000 15 6.8%
60 92,200 $10,142 120,000 12 8.5%
80 122,700 $13,497 140,000 10 9.6%
90 138300 $15,213 150,000 9.8 10.1%

*NOTE: This analysis is approximate and for information only to consider the viability of the solar water heating project. More accurate analysis and more information about the size of the Carleton Civic Centre pool, hot water usage, etc. would be needed to make a more accurate estimate for the purpose of designing or sizing the solar heater appropriately.

Wayne Groszko
Community Energy Co-operative
wayne AT